

Senin, 12 November 2012

Sarah Ezekiel, karena penyakit LUMPUH ... Wanita ini melukis hanya dengan menggunakan KEDUA MATA NYA sajaa...

Senin, 12 November 2012

Sarah Ezekiel is paralysed due to motor neurone disease. She has rebuilt her life thanks to a computer that works by tracking her eye movements
Sarah Ezekiel is paralysed due to motor neurone disease. She has rebuilt her life thanks to a computer that works by tracking her eye movements

The technology has also enabled Ms Ezekiel continue her hobby of painting, which has been so successful that she now has her own exhibition
The technology has also enabled Ms Ezekiel continue her hobby of painting, which has been so successful that she now has her own exhibition
Her computer, called a Tobii Eyegaze, gives her full mouse control with her eyes. She then then selects by blinking or staring for a prolonged period
Her computer, called a Tobii Eyegaze, gives her full mouse control with her eyes. She then then selects by blinking or staring for a prolonged period

Ms Ezekiel creates the pictures from scratch, often taking inspiration from other images she has discovered online, or pictures she has been sent
Ms Ezekiel creates the pictures from scratch, often taking inspiration from other images she has discovered online, or pictures she has been sent

She is now also selling her paintings in order to raise money for people like herself who need this technology to get by day-to-day
She is now also selling her paintings in order to raise money for people like herself who need this technology to get by day-to-day
Ms Ezekiel has also set up a not-for-profit organisation so that any money she makes from painting with her eyes can buy another person with motor neurone disease a Tobii Eyegaze computer. For every one she donates, the company will match it
Ms Ezekiel has also set up a not-for-profit organisation so that any money she makes from painting with her eyes can buy another person with motor neurone disease a Tobii Eyegaze computer. For every one she donates, the company will match it

Dunia Medis
Dunia Unik

kudil - 04.43

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