

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Sarah Burge, sang Wanita Barbie Hadiahi Putri Kecilnya Voucher Operasi Plastik

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Sarah Burge sepertinya tidak mengenal kata kapok. Meski tindakannya pernah dikecam, wanita yang dijuluki 'Barbie' ini akan kembali memberikan putri kecilnya hadiah berupa voucher operasi plastik untuk Natal.

Hal tersebut terungkap saat Sarah tampil sebagai bintang tamu dalam acara 'This Morning'. Wanita yang memiliki klinik operasi plastik di St Neots, Cambridgshire ini mengaku akan memberikan tiga anaknya, Poppy (8 tahun), Hannah (18 tahun) bersama Charlotte (27 tahun) sejumlah hadiah mewah saat Natal nanti. Hadiah-hadiah tersebut mulai dari baju bersama tas rancangan desainer, perhiasan, kuda poni, hingga voucher operasi plastik.

Sarah Burge who is buying her daughter Poppy £8,000 worth of plastic surgery vouchers
Sarah Burge who is buying her daughter Poppy £8,000 worth of plastic surgery vouchers for her birthday

Sarah bisa membeli semua itu berkat usaha klinik operasi plastiknya cukup memberinya keuntungan. Meski dunia sebersamag krisis ekonomi, dampaknya hanya sedikit pabersamaya. Di kliniknya, dia menyediakan lebih dari 100 layanan operasi plastik yang harganya sekitar £250 ribu.

"Banyak orang berutang untuk Natal, tapi aku mampu membelinya," ujar Sarah. "Aku baru saja kembali dari Rusia bersama membeli sebahagian hadiah mahal, termasuk voucher operasi plastik," kata wanita 51 tahun itu lagi.

Tindakan Sarah tersebut sempat dipertanyakan oleh pembawa acara This Morning, Ruth bersama Ealmon. Keduanya bertanya apakah dia tidak takut merasa terselanjutnya memanjakan anak. Wanita Barbie itu menjawab: "Mereka tidak manja. Aku bisa mengontrolnya."

Glamour: Little Poppy Burge and her mum Sarah known as the Human Barbie
Glamour: Little Poppy Burge and her mum Sarah known as the Human Barbie who encourages surgery

Sarah berharap bisa tetap menjalani gaya hidup yang seperti sekarang hingga seterusnya. Dia pun mengaku bekerja sangat keras untuk memiliki semua uang yang digunakannya untuk memanjakan anak-anaknya.

"Kami semua sangat bahagia. Kami punya kehidupan yang enak bersama melakukan apa yang orang selama ini hanya impikan," tuturnya.

Seorang psikolog yang juga tampil di acara This Morning, Liz Fraser tidak setuju dengan tindakan Sarah pada anak-anaknya. "Semua orang punya budget sendiri (untuk hadiah Natal-red). Tapi kita ada dalam budaya di mana seharusnya banyak beramal saat Natal," sarannya. "Sudah tugas orangtua untuk mengajarkan anak tentang bagaimana masyarakat tempat kita tinggal bersama sekarang kita tengah meselanjutnyai masa-masa sulit," tambahnya lagi.

Style: Poppy being pampered by her own personal make-up artist
Style: Poppy indulges in spray tans and beauty treatments and even has her own personal make-up artist

Excited: Poppy 'squealed with delight' when she was given a boob job voucher, according to her mother
Excited: Poppy 'squealed with delight' when she was given a boob job voucher, according to her mother

Marilyn moment: Sarah will not worry about Poppy having to wear make-up and short dresses for the beauty pageants since she already does so with her consent, as pictures like this prove
Marilyn moment: Sarah will not worry about Poppy having to wear make-up and short dresses for the beauty pageants since she already does so with her consent, as pictures like this prove
Beauty queen in the making: Poppy is already well-accustomed to having her hair, make-up and nails done at the tender age of eight

Beauty queen in the making: Poppy is already well-accustomed to having her hair, make-up and nails done at the tender age of eight

The competition: Maddy Jackson, four, left, and Eden Wood, whose mum dressed her up as Julia Roberts prostitute character from Pretty Woman, right, have taken part in beauty pageants
Poppy, left, has already taken part in beauty contests in the UK and will now go to the U.S. where tots like Paisley Dickey, right, dressed as Julia Roberts' prostitute character from Pretty Woman, compete in pageants
Controversial: Sarah gave daughter Hannah Botox injections when she was just a teenager
Controversial: Sarah gave daughter Hannah Botox injections when she was just a teenager
'Normal kid': Sarah thinks her daughter is just like any other little girl who wants to be famous like Cheryl Cole
'Normal kid': Sarah thinks her daughter is just like any other little girl who wants to be famous like Cheryl Cole

sumber | daftarhargaterkini.blogspot.com | http://wolipop.detik.com/read/2012/12/17/074526/2120024/857/lagi-wanita-barbie-hadiahi-putri-kecilnya-voucher-operasi-plastik?991104topnews


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