

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Dua remaja saling jatuh cinta setelah ubah kelamin

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Entah apa dalam pikiran dua remaja ini. Mereka saling jatuh cinta bersama menjalin hubungan. Namun, keduanya merupakan pelaku transgender. Sang perempuan dulunya lelaki, demikian sebaliknya.

Surat kabar the Daily Mail melaporkan, Sabtu (10/11), pasangan Katie Hill bersama Arin Andrews malah memutuskan untuk menjalin tali kasih saat keduanya mengubah kelamin asli. Katie terlahir sebagai Luke, putra seorang kolonel angkatan laut Amerika Serikat. Sementara Arin terlahir sebagai perempuan bersama diberi nama Emerald. Arin bahkan sempat belajar tari balet bersama menang kontes kecantikan anak-anak.

Dua remaja saling jatuh cinta setelah ubah kelamin 

Kedua remaja asal Kota Tulsa, Negara Bagian Oklahoma ini bertemu pertama kali di tempat terapi hormon mereka. Arin hendak terapi hormon testosteron supaya semakin mirip lelaki sesungguhnya. Sementara Katie menambahkan hormon estrogen, banyak dimiliki kaum hawa, untuk membuat tubuhnya mendekati perempuan. "Aku telah berganti kelamin tiga tahun lalu bersama menambah volume payudaraku," ujar Katie.

Saat bertemu, mereka memutuskan berpacaran. Orang tua masing-masing telah mendukung sebab mereka memang sudah merasakan perbedaan pada diri anak-anaknya. Luke alias Katie lebih sering bermain boneka sejak umur tiga tahun bersama emerald alias Arin, meski belajar balet bersama ikut kontes kecantikan, nyatanya lebih suka olahraga motocross bareng ayahnya.

Young love: Arin Andrews, 16, pictured left, with girlfriend Katie Hill, 18, were both born the opposite sex
Young love: Arin Andrews, 16, pictured left, with girlfriend Katie Hill, 18, were both born the opposite sex

Boy meets girl, girl meets boy: Arin Andrews, 16, left, was once a girl called Emerald while his girlfriend Katie Hill, 18, right, was born a boy called Luke
Boy meets girl, girl meets boy: Arin Andrews, 16, left, was once a girl called Emerald while his girlfriend Katie Hill, 18, right, was born a boy called Luke

Emerald Andrews, before he became Arin, aged 4 at bersamace recital in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Luke Hill, before he became Katie, at the age of five
Before the transgender treatment: Emerald Andrews, pictured left at the age of four at bersamace recital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, before she became Arin, and Luke Hill pictured right at the age of five before he became Katie
Costly: Katie underwent gender reassignment surgery earlier this year after a £25,000 anonymous donation
Costly: Katie underwent gender reassignment surgery earlier this year after a £25,000 anonymous donation

Lucky in love: The sweethearts met through a support group for young transsexuals in their hometown in Oklahoma, America
Lucky in love: The sweethearts met through a support group for young transsexuals in their hometown in Oklahoma, America

'Keeping his true feelings a secret': Emerald Andrews, before she became Arin, at the age of five in Tulsa, Oklahoma
'Keeping his true feelings a secret': Emerald Andrews, before she became Arin, at the age of five in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Support: Both Arin and Katie were bullied growing up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and they want to help prevent that from happening to others
Support: Both Arin and Katie were bullied growing up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and they want to help prevent that from happening to others

Both spent much of their childhood confused about their identity before they discovered the term 'transgender'
Both spent much of their childhood confused about their identity before they discovered the term 'transgender'
Encouraging education': Both Arin and Katie spent much of their childhood confused about their identity before they discovered the term 'transgender'
The past: Arin poses next to a portrait of himself when he was still known as Emerald
The past: Arin poses next to a portrait of himself when he was still known as Emerald
Graduate: Katie Hill, 18, smiles at her family as she waits to get her diploma during Bixby High School's graduation ceremony
Graduate: Katie Hill, 18, smiles at her family as she waits to get her diploma during Bixby High School's graduation ceremony

Graduating grin: Katie, pictured with her mother Jazzlyn, 44, is the first openly transgender teen to graduate from a high school in Oklahoma
Graduating grin: Katie, pictured with her mother Jazzlyn, 44, is the first openly transgender teen to graduate from a high school in Oklahoma

sumber :http://www.merdeka.com/dunia/dua-remaja-saling-jatuh-cinta-setelah-rubah-kelamin.html

Dunia Kita
Dunia Unik
Dunia Medis

kudil - 19.14

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