Surat kabar the Daily Mail melaporkan, Minggu (19/8), para perempuan China punya cara unik untuk menghindari sinar matahari sekaligus bisa menjalani aktivitas seperti berenang. Mereka menggunakan Face-kini lengkap dengan baju renang seperti penyelam.
Benda ini masker pelindung kepala hingga wajah. Perempuan di laut Timur Provinsi Shandong tengah tergila-gila pada Face-kini sebab selain menghindari efek buruk sinar matahari juga tidak bakal terkena serangan ubur-ubur. Anda bisa menggunakannya sambil berenang atau sekedar duduk di tepi pantai.

Stay away from the sun: Chinese beachgoers wearing body suits and protective head masks, dubbed 'face-kinis' by Chinese netizens, on a crowded public beach in Qingdao, northeast China's Shandong province

Added benefit: The face masks were initially designed to protect from sunburn but it turns out they are also quite handy at repelling insects and jellyfish
Face-kini diciptakan tujuh tahun lalu tapi baru digemari saat ini. Produksinya langsung melonjak dan dijual di toko pakaian renang atau kios sepanjang pantai. Satu Face-kini seharga Rp 38 ribu dan penjualanan benda ini sehari mencapai ratusan.

His and hers: The suits come in wide range of colours and patterns

Some fashion-concussions swimmers match the colour of their protective head mask to their body suit

One for me, one for you: Small sized protective head masks are also made for children

Eureka! The clothing was invented by a local around seven years ago and is now under mass production and is on sale at swimwear stores along the coast

Fashion: The outfits are the latest trend on the beach front resort
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