

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Jonathan Trappe, sang Petualang Seberangi Samudra Atlantik dengan Balon Udara

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Seorang Petualang menjadi orang pertama kali yang terbang di Selat Inggris menggantung di bawah balon udara. Saat ini dirinya berencana untuk menyeberangi Samudera Atlantik.

Jonathan Trappe, berencana untuk melakukan perjalanan 2.500 mil pada saat musim panas mendatang. Dia akan menggunakan alat yang diterbangkan dengan 365 balon udara.

Alat aneh ini akan memiliki atap terbuka dengan kanopi untuk melindungi dirinya dari ketinggian angin bersama juga dinginnya embun.

Jonathan akan mengudara di ketinggian18.000 bersama 25.000 kaki bersama dia mengalahkan rekor sebelumnya dari 21.600 kaki. Pria berusia 38 tahun ini akan terbang sepuluh kali lebih jauh dari rekor sebelumnya 230 mil.

Sebuah masker bersama tabung oksigen akan digunakan setelah ia mencapai 25.000 kaki. Jonathan terbang dari Inggris ke Belgia pada Mei 2010 dengan balon udara seperti karakter kartun Carl Fredricksen dari film Disney Up.

“Saya sudah berlatih untuk waktu yang lama. Hal ini sangat menarik menurut saya,” ujar pria dari North Carolina itu, seperti dikutip The Sun, Jumat (9/11/2012).

Perjalanan panjang ini akan difilmkan oleh kru kamera dokumenter, Jonathan akan berangkat dari Maine di Amerika Serikat (AS) menuju Paris, Perancis.

Empat orang ahli meteorologi akan bekerja untuk memantau dari pusat komando di Wyoming untuk membantu memastikan Trappe tiba dengan selamat.

Floating on the breeze: Jonathan Trappe flies over the Alps attached to his balloons on September 11, 2011 in France. Mr Trappe has become the first person to cross the Alps by helium balloon
Floating on the breeze: Jonathan Trappe flies over the Alps attached to his balloons on September 11, 2011 in France. Mr Trappe has become the first person to cross the Alps by helium balloon
A long way down: Mr Trappe's Alpine adventure is his second world record breaking helium balloon journey, after he crossed the Channel by balloon last year
A long way down: Mr Trappe's Alpine adventure is his second world record breaking helium balloon journey, after he crossed the Channel by balloon last year

Daredevil: Mr Trappe's motivation comes from a desire to show that there are genuine adventures still to be had
Daredevil: Mr Trappe's motivation comes from a desire to show that there are genuine adventures still to be had

Launchpad: Mr Trappe taking off from Gap on September 10 at the start of his Alp crossing using helium-filled balloons. He travelled west towards Italy
Launchpad: Mr Trappe taking off from Gap on September 10 at the start of his Alp crossing using helium-filled balloons. He travelled west towards Italy

Night flight into the record books: Trappe begins his journey, waving goodbye to his friends and the safety of the ground for another 12 hours
Night flight into the record books: Trappe begins his journey, waving goodbye to his friends and the safety of the ground for another 12 hours

Jonathan Trappe
Touchdown: Mr Trappe, 36, makes his landing in a farmer's field, narrowly missing this polytunnel

balloon man
Bonjour: Mr Trappe smiles as he starts to gather and deflate the remaining helium balloons

balloon man
Clear-up: The entire crossing took around four hours at altitudes of up to 7,500ft

balloon man
Deflated: Mr Trappe and his support team carry away the helium balloons after the successful attempt

 Jonathan Trappe with balloons attached to his office chair
Flying high: Jonathan Trappe attached 55 balloons to an office chair to sail into the skies

sumber :http://international.okezone.com/read/2012/11/09/214/716010/petualang-seberangi-samudra-atlantik-dengan-balon-udara


kudil - 08.48

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